Finding Home

        So recently I just made the major life decision to move halfway across the U.S. to a little town outside of Minneapolis, Minnesota. I have been planning this move since this past spring and cannot believe the experiences I've had after only being here for 2 weeks. While I'm living in Minnesota I'm attending Bethany Global University, a missionary training college, dedicated to "Taking the church to where it is not... While helping others to do the same." Just the process of finding this school is a miracle in itself (which I will be explaining in another post) but already I know that this is where God has called me to be which is so exciting and liberating being in the spot that God has set for me in this stage of life.
        So on my first day I got set up with an amazing group of girls in my Lifegroup (like Biblestudy meets sorority) that are like my spiritual sisters, it was simply amazing how God worked everything out for us all to meet. They are such a blessing from God and an answer to months of prayers.
        Our first event of the school year was a camping trip set up by the school, with all the other students, staff, and professors. It was amazing getting to set aside the time to get to meet everyone and form relationships with the people that you had gotten closer with. There was a lot of running around and a lot of picture taking. One of the events that we had to do while on the trip was a Lifegroup Photo/Video Scavengar hunt which was an absolute blast and brought us closer as not just a Lifegroup but as friends.
      As a whole my first couple of weeks in Minnesota have been amazing! I am so glad I took this opportunity not only to get my education, but to work on my spiritual life in a place where everyone is working with you to grow and dig deeper into God. I can't wait to see what the rest of the year holds and if you want to stay updated this is where I'll be posting those. God bless!


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