The Task Remaining: The World Missions Movement

Before even looking to see what I have to say please take the time to watch this video I have linked. In my Intro to Missions class we have been exploring some of the logistics and statistics surrounding world missions and this video is a good summary of what I have been learning in class.

After our professor showed us this video on one of our first days of class all of us were instantly dumbfounded, here we are a group of bright, eager freshmen and he throws these statistics at us. Most of us are called to unreached people groups, most of us have been fantasizing about going out into the field for years now, but looking at not just this video but other information that was given to us and realizing that most of our ministries won't be supported by the American Church baffled us. How could this happen? How could only 1% of the funds raised by our churches go to unreached people groups? How could the church be missing so much of its calling to spread the gospel? Matthew 28:19, a verse that every missionary student either has memorized or tattooed on their body, says, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit," this is the original call of the church. When the disciples asked Jesus what they were supposed to do before he left, this is what he answered with, so why are we not answering?!

Why has the Christian society continued to stay either dormant or silent on this subject?
I know recently in the United States that there has been a lot of crisis and need, and the Church has done an amazing job responding to it. But I can't help but look around and see all of the things that need to be happening worldwide. There are people in third-world countries that are selling their children into prostitution for plastic so they can melt it down and maybe make a little money. There are gangs that are ravaging countries because even the government has given up trying to contain them.

I am very proud of everything that's been done after hurricanes Harvey and Irma to help those affected but something makes me think that the only reason people are helping now is that it's finally hit American soil. If only the Church had the same response when a group in India needs help getting to an isolated village, but can't afford to buy a car or motorcycle because 87% of the finances set aside for missions is going straight to areas that are already saturated with the gospel.
Why are we so ignorant to what the world really needs? The only thing that this lost world needs is the news of the Gospel, but we still have over 6,000 people groups that have never heard the it, and with the way some things are going will never have the opportunity to hear it. If we have the resources, if we have the means why are we not doing everything in our power to help the people who need to hear the Gospel the most? This is the Task Remaining and it is our job to complete it, what are you going to do about it?


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